At the end of November, we’ll be migrating the Sematext Logs backend from Elasticsearch to OpenSearch


JOB: Elasticsearch / Solr Engineer

We've grown nicely this year.  Our team has a new UI Developer, a new Solr/Elasticsearch Engineer, a new Marketing person, a new Automation Engineer, and this summer we have the

Community Voting for Sematext Talks at Lucene/Solr Revolution 2014

The biggest open source conference dedicated to Apache Lucene/Solr takes place in November in Washington, DC.  If you are planning to attend -- and even if you are not --

Presentation and Video: Side by Side with Solr and Elasticsearch

Fresh from Berlin Buzzwords where Sematext's own Radu Gheorghe and Rafal Kuc presented "Side by Side with Solr and Elasticsearch" on the same stage, at the same time...but in different

Berlin Buzzwords 2014 – Side by Side with Elasticsearch and Solr

Last year at Berlin Buzzwords two Sematext Engineers had the opportunity to give two talks. Radu talked about "JSON Logging with Elasticsearch" (video, slides) and Rafał did the second round of

Parameterizing Queries in Solr and Elasticsearch

We all know how good it is to have abstraction layers in software we create. We tend to abstract implementation from the method contracts using interfaces, we use n-tier architectures

Elasticsearch Refresh Interval vs Indexing Performance

Elasticsearch is near-realtime, in the sense that when you index a document, you need to wait for the next refresh for that document to appear in a search. Refreshing is

Key Phrases for Better Search: Smart Content Presentation

We are 3 for 3 this month - 3 talks at 3 different conferences - Lucene Revolution (see our presentation), Hadoop World (see our presentation), and Smart Content (see full

Search Analytics: Hadoop World Presentation

After our Lucene Revolution talk in Boston, we got ready for last week's Hadoop World conference in New York.  Like at the Lucene Revolution, we presented to a packed room

Sematext at Hadoop World: Search Analytics with Flume and HBase

Besides working with search in general and Lucene/Solr/Nutch in particular, we also work with Hadoop, HBase, and other related technologies.  This October we'll be presenting at Hadoop World (see the

Elastic Search: Distributed, Lucene-based Search Engine

Here at Sematext we are constantly looking to expand our horizons and acquire new knowledge (as well as our search team - see Sematext jobs page - we are always on the