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CRI-O Monitoring

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CRI-O Monitoring

Monitor CRI-O Metrics, Logs, and Events in Real Time

Detect and fix issues faster in your CRI-O containers and infra.


  • Ensure minimal downtime
  • Benefit from predictable resource usage
  • Scale effectively based on load
  • Starts at only $3.6/host/month

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Monitor CRI-O Metrics, Logs, and Events in Real Time

What you get

Find Performance Issues Faster

  • Simple agent setup with extremely low overhead and no dependencies
  • Monitor Containers, Pods, and all Kubernetes resources
  • Collect logs, key container metrics and events to cut troubleshooting time in half
  • Use Discovery to discover and monitor services inside Pods
Find Performance Issues Faster( )


Get Started in Seconds

  • Install the agent in seconds. Check out the Sematext Agent docs for more details.
  • Supported across any environment, Linux, CRI-O, Kubernetes, and more
  • Use Discovery to discover and monitor services inside containers
  • Select which logs and metrics to collect from the UI
Get Started in Seconds( )


Real-Time Visibility into Your CRI-O containers and Infra

Monitor container and host metrics while also collecting container events. Have insight into container-specific metrics about CPU, memory, disk I/O, and network usage on a per-container basis while also correlating host-specific metrics, grouping data seamlessly between hosts, containers and clusters.

    Real-Time Visibility into Your CRI-O containers and Infra( )


    Troubleshooting Made Easy with Enriched Logs

    CRI-O container logs are parsed and structured out of the box. Including or excluding containers from shipping logs can be done in the UI. You have complete control of your container logs to cut troubleshooting time in half.

      Troubleshooting Made Easy with Enriched Logs( )


      Gain Key Insights with Traces

      To enable tracing you edit the agent’s configuration file to set tracing to enabled. As simple as that! Trace code execution from any back-end services and databases.

        Gain Key Insights with Traces( )


        Notify Your DevOps Team About Critical Issues

        • Set up anomaly detection or threshold alerts
        • Get alerted on both metrics and logs
        • Invite team members. There is no limit on the number of users!
        • Share logs and metrics with your team using role-based access control
        Notify Your DevOps Team About Critical Issues( )


        Benefit from Pre-Built Dashboards

        • Benefit from out-of-the-box CRI-O dashboards with both host-specific metrics and container metrics
        • Add or remove components and charts in existing reports to customize dashboards
        • Add a new report page with your favorite metrics, charts, components, and filters
        • Combine metrics and logs to cut troubleshooting time in half
        Benefit from Pre-Built Dashboards( )


        Compare Any Two Reports in a Single View

        With Split Screen you can compare any two reports. Split Screen is available across the whole product and you can open any report with events, logs, or metrics for easy correlation.

          Compare Any Two Reports in a Single View( )

          Sematext shows one unified view for all of our Docker log, events, and metrics!

          Ben Reichter Ben Reichter
          DevOps Engineer, Tozny

          We looked into running our own Elastic Stack, and quickly realized that was a job and specialty within itself. We are a small startup and every dollar counts. Wasting precious and expensive sysadmin time on managing things far out of our project scope really isn’t an option

          Zach Aufort Zach Aufort
          CEO, BlockGen

          Just looking at the default graphs it was clear I can reduce my serverless resource usage on Vercel by 90%, by reducing the allocated memory. Sematext simply turns your logs in actionable data, out of the box. Costs, performance, it's all there

          Andrei Vreja Andrei Vreja
          Maker, iForge

          Sematext is great for monitoring SolrCloud, with out of the box dashboards and easy to setup alerts

          Chris George Chris George
          Manager, VIPConsult

          Sematext Logs provides us a flexible, extensible and reliable means of monitoring all of our environments in real time

          Zach David Zach David
          Test Automation Lead – Healthgrades