
Features in This Screen Flyout

The Features in This Screen flyout is designed to help you quickly learn about and access the features available on the current screen.

You can open the flyout from the Help menu, which can be found either in the top right corner of the screen or at the bottom of the left menu panel.

If the icon is purple, it means there are features on this screen that we want to highlight for you.

Once you open the flyout, you will see a list of features available on the current screen. Each feature entry includes:

  • Title: The name of the feature.
  • Short Preview Video: A quick video demonstrating how to access and use the feature.
  • Description: A brief explanation of what the feature does and how it can benefit you.

From the flyout, you can also:

  • Navigate to Documentation: Click to view detailed documentation about the feature.
  • Watch Videos: If available, you can watch more in-depth videos related to the feature.


If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to contact us at

We hope this feature helps you get the most out of Sematext Cloud and makes your experience smoother and more intuitive.