
Script Field Processor

Scripting is supported using the Script processor. It uses painless, a simple scripting language similar to Java. You can access fields using the doc method. Since the field value can be of any type, before using it you must cast the value to a specific type like: String, Integer, Double, etc.

The following is supported:

  • Math operators: +, -, /, *, %, ^, e.g. ((Integer)doc['size.kb']).intValue()*2
  • Relational operators: ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=, e.g. ((Integer)doc['size']).intValue() > 10
  • Logical operators: &&, ||, !, e.g. ((Integer)doc['size']).intValue() > -1 && ((Integer)doc['size']).intValue() < 10
  • Ternary operator, e.g. ((Integer)doc['speed']).intValue() < 1000 ? "OK" : "SLOW"
  • String functions, e.g. ((String)doc['severity']).toUpperCase() or ((String)doc['message']).splitOnToken('-')[3]

Conditional block and loops are supported. The last line should result in a value that will then be stored as a field. Here is a made up example:

String[] tokens = ((String)doc['message']).splitOnToken(' '); 
if(tokens.length % 2 != 0){
  String result = "Iterator ";
  for(int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++){
      result += i;
else {
  tokens.length * 10;

Imagine we have a message field: Got document of 142 kb from and that we want to extract the number of kilobytes. The script might look something like:

int kbIdx = ((String)doc['message']).indexOf(' kb');
((String)doc['message']).substring(17, kbIdx)