Standalone Agent Mode
Unlike the Embedded App Agent, the Standalone App Agent is started as a separate process on each machine running the application(s) you want to monitor. A separate App Agent process should be started for each application monitored on a machine. The installer adds the systemd service to manage the agent. Before starting the App Agent one should ensure the application to be monitored exposes its metrics and allows access to them (e.g. via JMX, HTTP, JDBC...)
After that, the App Agent can be (re)started with:
sudo service sematext-agent restart
JMX Setups - How to Configure the Monitored App/Server¶
There are 3 basic JMX setups (all explained below):
- No security setup
- Security with password file
- Security with SSL and keystore/trustore
No Security Setup¶
Simple setup useful for testing, but you may want to consider using one of the other types of setup for your production servers. This setup requires adding the following arguments to your Java process (your Elasticsearch, Solr, HBase...):
The only thing you can customize here is the port. This port has to be reflected in App Agent config, in spm.remote.jmx.url argument, as shown below. In this example, SPM_MONITOR_JMX_PARAMS property in monitor properties file should be adjusted as follows (leave other properties unchanged):
SPM_MONITOR_JMX_PARAMS="-Dspm.remote.jmx.url=localhost:3000" # MUST match the port in above
Security with Password File¶
You should define the role and its password in separate files for monitored service (say for your tomcat server /home/tomcat/passwordServer.txt) and for App Agent itself (say /home/spm/passwordMonitor.txt). Each file should be owned by the user which runs the process (in case of passwordServer.txt, owner could be ubuntu, jetty, tomcat... whoever is running the monitored service; in case of passwordMonitor.txt, user always has to be spmmon which is created during agent installation). Access rights on these files should be set to 600.
These files should contain space-separated role-password pairs, for example:
monitorRole somepassword123
Note: when choosing the role name, make sure it is defined in jmxremote.access file of your JRE (for example, in location like: /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/jre/lib/management/jmxremote.access). By default, role named monitorRole is defined and can be used out-of-the-box. If you want to use some other role name, you should first define it in jmxremote.access file.
The passwordServer.txt file can have multiple such lines, while passwordMonitor.txt must contain only one line and this line has to exist in the passwordServer.txt file.
In this case, Java process of monitored service should be started with the following arguments (again, port can be adjusted and it has to be reflected in monitor properties below in spm.remote.jmx.url argument):
while the monitor properties file should be adjusted like (leave other properties in that file unchanged):
SPM_MONITOR_JMX_PARAMS="-Dspm.remote.jmx.url=localhost:3000 -Dspm.remote.jmx.password.file=/home/spm/passwordMonitor.txt"
Security with SSL and Keystore/Trustore¶
In this case, monitored service should get the following java arguments:
Port, password and keystore path should match your local setup.
Monitor properties file should be adjusted like this (change just SPM_MONITOR_JMX_PARAMS property):
where spm.remote.jmx.url argument, trustStore path and trustStorePassword match your setup.
Specifics Related to Various Servers¶
The monitoring agent is always configured and started in the same way (by adjusting monitor properties file, see description above). However, there are different ways you can start your server/application, so here are some examples:
Starting with Java Command¶
Here is example of starting Jetty server (any jar could have been used here; the Jetty started here could have run Solr or some other application):
-jar start.jar
Jetty (to run Solr or other apps)¶
See Starting with Java Command.
Tomcat (to run Solr or other apps)¶
There are various ways of adjusting your Tomcat, depending on the version and on how it was installed (whether you just unpacked tomcat package or installed it with apt-get install). One way is editing /etc/default/tomcat6 (if it exists) by adding:
In some other cases, you may want to make similar addition for CATALINA_OPTS variable in your bin/ file.
No need for any adjustments since the monitoring agent uses JSON API calls to collect Elasticsearch metrics.
Adjust your file. For instance, hbase master could get the following parameters:
export HBASE_JMX_BASE=""
while region server could get:
export HBASE_JMX_BASE=""
In case you are running hbase master and region server on the same machine, ensure they use different JMX ports (and adjust the config of their monitor properties files).
When installing Sematext Agent, both monitor properties files will be prepared for you (exact locations and names for your application are mentioned in step 3 on
With Hadoop, each Hadoop node has a separate configuration of java arguments. If you are using file (located in /etc/hadoop/conf or HADOOP_HOME/conf dir; NOTE: in case it doesn't exist, usually it is enough to create it in Hadoop's conf subdir, it will automatically be used by Hadoop; please also check with your Hadoop distribution docs what is the alternative), you can adjust them by adding some of (example for simple no-security jmx setup):
# both MRv1 (0.22 and earlier, 1.0, 1.1) and YARN (0.23, 2.*)
# both MRv1 (0.22 and earlier, 1.0, 1.1) and YARN (0.23, 2.*)
# both MRv1 (0.22 and earlier, 1.0, 1.1) and YARN (0.23, 2.*)
# only MRv1 (0.22 and earlier, 1.0, 1.1)
# only MRv1 (0.22 and earlier, 1.0, 1.1)
# only YARN (0.23, 2.*)
# only YARN (0.23, 2.*)
# only YARN (0.23, 2.*)
# only YARN (0.23, 2.*)
If you are using CDH GUI to administer your Hadoop setup, you can adjust "Java Configuration Options" for each Hadoop node through the console. For instance, for DataNode, you would go to Services ==> hdfs ==> DataNode (link in status column) ==> Configuration. Expanding options shown for datanode under Search column (click on arrow) shows Advanced. Under Advanced, Value for "Java Configuration Options for DataNode" should be with same values added to HADOOP_DATANODE_OPTS variable in the example above.
Alternatively, even when using CDH GUI to administer Hadoop, you can still choose to manually add definitions to file, you may just have to create it in conf/ subdir if it doesn't exist yet.
Below is the image of CDH UI:
Adjust your (usually found at /usr/lib/zookeeper/bin/ by changing JVMFLAGS as follows:
Kafka Broker has no port opened for JMX by default. To fix this edit by changing JMX_PORT as follows:
export JMX_PORT=9999
Or start Kafka Broker like:
$ env JMX_PORT=9999 bin/ config/
For enabling JMX on Producer and Consumer nodes do it like you would do it for a simple JVM application.
Storm lets you specify Nimbus, Supervisor, and Workers' JMX ports by editing the storm.yaml file:
For Nimbus (in this example we specify JMX port as 3000):
nimbus.childopts: ""
For Supervisor (in this example we specify JMX port as 4000):
supervisor.childopts: ""
For Workers (use this approach to have Storm dynamically assign a JMX port to each Worker choosing from the port range specified in the storm.yaml):
worker.childopts: ""
For the above to work make sure the JMX port range is defined in storm.yml as follows:
- 6700
- 6701
- 6702
- 6703
Additional Notes¶
In some cases, monitored server should also get the following argument:
If you are having issues connecting the standalone agent to your server, you may want to add the said option to your application/server being monitored and restart it. After that, also restart the agent:
sudo service sematext-agent restart