
Creating Experience Alerts

Each Experience App metric that you can create alert rules on has a bell icon that, when clicked, shows a dropdown menu listing the metrics that you can choose.

Bell Icon for Page Load

Supported Experience metrics

  • Apdex score for Page load
  • Apdex score for HTTP requests
  • Apdex score for on page transactions
  • First contentful paint time
  • First paint (FP) time
  • HTTP requests count
  • HTTP requests load time
  • Long tasks count
  • Long tasks duration
  • Page load backend load time
  • Page load frontend load time
  • Page load time
  • HTTP resource load count
  • HTTP resource load time
  • HTTP resource transfer size
  • User sessions count
  • Users count

The above metrics can also be chosen from the alert rule creation dialog:

Experience Alert Metric

While creating an alert you'll get a chart preview of the alert threshold or anomaly. For example, the preview screen when setting up a new alert rule for the page load time higher than 1200 milliseconds on average would look like the following one:

Page Load Alert Preview

When setting up the Apdex score based alert rule, the threshold can be set to one of the following values:

  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Fair
  • Poor

Here's how to setup an Experience alert rule that will be triggered when the HTTP Requests Apdex score remains worse than Good for 10 minutes:

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