
Google Chat Alerts Integration

In Google Chat

1. Create a new space that will be used to receive notifications from Sematext, or use an existing one.

On the spaces tab, click the + icon:

Create Google Chat Integration - Add Space

2. Select Create Space option:

Create Google Chat Integration - New Space

3. Give your space a name and click Create:

Create Google Chat Integration - Create Space

4. Open the drop down menu with your space's name and select Manage webhooks:

Create Google Chat Integration - Manage Webhooks

5. Give your webhook a name (and optionally an avatar) and click Save:

Create Google Chat Integration - Save Webhook

6. Copy the webhook URL using the copy button:

Create Google Chat Integration - Copy Webhook

With the Incoming Webhook configured we can now use the Webhook URL to configure the Google Chat notification hook in Sematext.

In Sematext

1. Navigate to Notification Hooks (in EU) and select Google Chat card to create a new Google Chat notification hook.

Create Google Chat Integration - New Notification Hook

2. Give your webhook a name and add your Google Chat Webhook URL.

Create Google Chat Integration - Paste Webhook URL

3. Next, click the Send Test Notification button. Google Chat should return 200 (OK) indicating everything is configured correctly. Check your Google Chat channel for the test message from Sematext.

Create Google Chat Integration - Test Notification Hook

Create Google Chat Integration - Receive Notification Hook

Once the test message is visible, click the Save Notification Hook button to save your configuration.