
Squadcast Alerts Integration

In Squadcast

To receive incoming notifications from Sematext add and configure a new integration in Squadcast:

1. Click on profile icon in the top-right and chose Profile to open the profile details:

Create Squadcast Integration - Profile

2. If you don't have an API token, click the Generate new API token to generate a token used to communicate with Squadcast and copy it so you can use it in Sematext:

Create Squadcast Integration - New API Token

3. If you don't have a service, create it using the Add Service button in the Services section. If you already have a service defined and you would like to add alert source jump to point 6:

Create Squadcast Integration - Add Service

4. A modal window will open allowing you to define the service

Create Squadcast Integration - Service Details

5. In Services click the Alert Sources under the service you would like to integrate Sematext notifications with. If you wish to receive notifications from Sematext to different services you will need to create multiple notification hooks:

Create Squadcast Integration - Alert Sources

6. In the opened window type Sematext and copy the Sematext Webhook URL:

Create Squadcast Integration - Sematext Webhook URL

Having the Alert Source configured and having the Sematext Webhook URL we can add the notification hook to Sematext.

In Sematext

1. Navigate to Notification Hooks (in EU) and select Squadcast card to create a new Squadcast notification hook.

Sematext Notification Hooks

2. Add your Squadcast Webhook URL

Create Squadcast Integration

Next, click the Send Test Notification button. Squadcast should return information similar to {"data":{"message":"Pipeline processing done"},"meta":{"request_id":"8a8c2d9b-aea6-479b-9f1f-373ac6785d37"}} indicating everything is configured correctly. Check your Squadcast integration for the test message from Sematext.

Once the test message is visible, click the Save Notification Hook button to save your configuration.