Logagent input plugin for Microsoft Azure Event Hub
Input Plugin: Azure Event Hub¶
Plugin subscribes to Microsoft Azure Event Hub and receives events in real-time.
Use cases:
- collect logs from Azure applications
- collect metrics from Azure
- collect any kind of events from Event Hubs
- long term storage for events in Sematext Cloud
- use Sematext Cloud anomaly detection and alerts based on Azure events
# Collect Azure Events
module: azure-event-hub
# Event Hub Name
name: hub1
# Your Event Hub endpoint, requires read permissions
endpoint: Endpoint=sb://sematextevents.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=oahU9gjxqXvIpvJbOOU/UiTI+cyTY1kKqib43jMXnMQ=
# Your consumer group
consumerGroup: '$Default'
# depending on the JSON structure of the events, you can change
# the field name to extract event entries
# Microsoft puts a bulk of events into the msg field
# bodyField: msg
# Store Azure events in Sematext Cloud
module: elasticsearch
url: https://logsene-receiver.sematext.com
Start Logagent to view azure events on console
logagent --config azure-events.yml --yaml