Logagent input plugin for Apache Cassandra
Input Plugin: Apache Cassandra¶
Input plugin to use Cassandra queries as input and stream the output into Logagent.
- run queries frequently
- choose time zone and format for query time
- use multiple CQL query statements
- index CQL data to elasticsearch
- create alerts based on series in Cassandra database
- create analytics and monitoring graph event stored in Cassandra
input: cassandra-json: module: cassandra-query server: #contact points should be separated by comma ',' for example 'h1', 'h2' host: localhost port: '9042' keyspace: 'logagent' #https://docs.datastax.com/en/developer/nodejs-driver/3.4/features/connection-pooling/ pooling: coreConnectionsPerHost: distanceLocal: 2 distanceRemote: 1 queryTimezone: America/Los_Angeles queryTimeFormat: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss queries: - sourceName: query1 sql: SELECT * FROM logagent.orders_by_day WHERE event_time >= '$queryTime' ALLOW FILTERING interval: 1 debug: false output: stdout: yaml
Start Logagent
logagent --config cassandra.yml