Logagent input plugin for systemd-journal-upload.service
Receive data from systemd-journal-upload.service¶
Plugin to receive events via HTTP from systemd-journal-upload.service. You can scale the HTTP service to multiple processes by setting 'worker' property > 0.
Use cases:
- Use the powerful Logagent features with lightweight
integration servicesystemd-journal-upload.service
- Filter by SYSTEMD_UNIT, remove fields, and add tags to each log
- Receive system journal events via HTTP and fan out processed data to multiple outputs like Elasticsearch, Sematext Cloud, InfluxDB, Kafka, or MQTT
# Global options options: includeOriginalLine: true input: journal-upload: module: input-journald-upload port: 9090 worker: 0 systemdUnitFilter: include: !!js/regexp /.*/i # exclude: !!js/regexp /docker|containerd/i # add static tags to every log event tags: # _index is special tag for log routing with elasticsearch output-plugin _index: MY_INDEX_FOR_ELASTICSEARCH_OUTPUT # you can add any other static tag node_role: kubernetes_worker log_shipper: logagent # journald might provide many fields, # to reduce storage usage you can remove # non-relevant fields removeFields: - __CURSOR - __REALTIME_TIMESTAMP - _SOURCE_REALTIME_TIMESTAMP - __MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP - _TRANSPORT - JOURNAL_NAME - JOURNAL_PATH - CURRENT_USE - CURRENT_USE_PRETTY - MAX_USE - MAX_USE_PRETTY - DISK_KEEP_FREE - DISK_KEEP_FREE_PRETTY - DISK_AVAILABLE_PRETTY - DISK_AVAILABLE - LIMIT - LIMIT_PRETTY - AVAILABLE - AVAILABLE_PRETTY - _CAP_EFFECTIVE - _SYSTEMD_SLICE output: # output data for debugging on stdout in YAML format # stdout: yaml sematext-cloud: module: elasticsearch url: https://logsene-receiver.sematext.com # url: https://logsene-receiver.eu.sematext.com index: YOUR_SEMATEXT_LOGS_TOKEN_HERE
Start Logagent
logagent --config myconfig.yml
Test the processing with curl, simulating systemd-journal-upload.service
curl -vvv -X POST -d ' __CURSOR=s=d5c6de465016430b8b47552b08d35c07;i=36893d;b=671303be039c460f898b637b5bca7697;m=4f8ec78ad23;t=58635495306a8;x=f88836c4f568bc1f __REALTIME_TIMESTAMP=1554938305119912 __MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP=5467165732131 _BOOT_ID=671303be039c460f898b637b5bca7697 _TRANSPORT=syslog PRIORITY=6 SYSLOG_FACILITY=4 SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=sshd _UID=0 _GID=0 _COMM=sshd _EXE=/usr/sbin/sshd _CMDLINE=sshd: root [priv] _CAP_EFFECTIVE=3fffffffff _SYSTEMD_CGROUP=/system.slice/ssh.service _SYSTEMD_UNIT=ssh.service _SYSTEMD_SLICE=system.slice _BOOT_ID=671303be039c460f898b637b5bca7697 _MACHINE_ID=400518d7368b56325877a28f6f43d32c _HOSTNAME=docker-demo SYSLOG_PID=4196 _PID=4196 MESSAGE=Disconnected from port 47994 [preauth] _SOURCE_REALTIME_TIMESTAMP=1554938305119518 __CURSOR=s=d5c6de465016430b8b47552b08d35c07;i=36893e;b=671303be039c460f898b637b5bca7697;m=4f8ec78af45;t=58635495308ca;x=efef7cd6e15b4416 __REALTIME_TIMESTAMP=1554938305120458 __MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP=5467165732677 _BOOT_ID=671303be039c460f898b637b5bca7697 _TRANSPORT=syslog SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=sshd _UID=0 _GID=0 _COMM=sshd _EXE=/usr/sbin/sshd '
Setup systemd-journal-upload.service
Use the following command to install systemd-journal-remote
sudo apt-get install systemd-journal-remote
Edit /etc/systemd/journal-upload.conf
[Upload] URL= # ServerKeyFile=/etc/ssl/private/journal-upload.pem # ServerCertificateFile=/etc/ssl/certs/journal-upload.pem # TrustedCertificateFile=/etc/ssl/ca/trusted.pem
To make sure journal-upload auto-starts on boot.
Note that upload service might stop if creating the HTTP connection doesn't work.
Should that happen the service stores the current cursor position in the journal.
Therefore, you should set useful restart options in the service definition.
Edit /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/systemd-journal-upload.service
to change restart options.
[Unit] Description=Journal Remote Upload Service Documentation=man:systemd-journal-upload(8) After=network.target [Service] ExecStart=/lib/systemd/systemd-journal-upload \ --save-state User=systemd-journal-upload SupplementaryGroups=systemd-journal PrivateTmp=yes PrivateDevices=yes #WatchdogSec=3min Restart=always TimeoutStartSec=1 TimeoutStopSec=1 StartLimitBurst=1000 StartLimitIntervalSec=5 # If there are many split up journal files we need a lot of fds to # access them all and combine LimitNOFILE=16384 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
Apply changes and restart journal-upload after configuration:
systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable systemd-journal-upload.service