
Installing Logagent on Linux

Logagent is a general purpose log shipper. It runs as a system service on Linux by using Systemd or Upstart.

Install Node.js on your server

First, make sure you have Node.js 8.11 or later installed. E.g. for Debian/Ubuntu:

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Install the Logagent npm package

sudo npm i -g @sematext/logagent 

Run Logagent and ship logs

1. Register for a free account at

2. Create a Logs App to get a Logs Token for Sematext Logs

3. Run Logagent as System Service

By running the logagent-setup command, Logagent will detect the init system and install Systemd or Upstart service scripts.

  • Ship logs to default US region

    sudo logagent-setup -i LOGS_TOKEN
  • Ship logs to EU region

    sudo logagent-setup -i LOGS_TOKEN -u
  • Ship logs to any Elasticsearch endpoint

    sudo logagent-setup -i index -u http://localhost:9200

Changing the Elasticsearch index and endpoint lets you ship logs to any Elasticsearch cluster. After running logagent-setup the agent will start shipping logs immediately.

Location of service scripts
  • Systemd: /etc/systemd/system/logagent.service
  • Upstart: /etc/init/logagent.conf
Check service status
  • Systemd: systemctl status logagent
  • Upstart: service logagent status
Start/stop service
  • Systemd: systemctl stop/start logagent
  • Upstart: service logagent stop/start

4. Configure Logagent settings

The setup script generates the configuration file in /etc/sematext/logagent.conf. The default settings will ship all log files from the /var/log directory to Sematext Cloud. Here's the configuration guide.