Installing Logagent on Heroku
Run Logagent as Heroku Log Drain¶
You can forward your Heroku logs to Sematext using Heroku Log Drain like this:
heroku drain:add --app HerokuAppName URL
To ship your Heroku logs to Sematext or Elasticsearch deploy Logagent on Heroku. It will act as an HTTPS log drain.
- Get a free account
- Create a Logs App to obtain the App Token
- Deploy Logagent to Heroku using the Deploy to Heroku button
... or use the following commands:
git clone
cd logagent-js
heroku login
heroku create
git push heroku master
- Add the log drain using the URL format like Use the following command to grab the dynamically assigned name from "heroku create" command.
heroku drains:add --app YOUR_HEROKU_MAIN_APPLICATION `heroku info -s | grep web-url | cut -d= -f2`$LOGSENE_TOKEN
When you see logs in Sematext you can define Alert Queries, build Dashboards, etc.
- Scale Logagent service on Heroku
To handle high log volume, scale Logagent on demand using
heroku scale web=3