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Varnish Cache Monitoring

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Varnish Cache Monitoring

Effortlessly diagnose and resolve Varnish Cache issues with comprehensive monitoring and log integration.


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Effortlessly diagnose and resolve Varnish Cache issues with comprehensive monitoring and log integration.

What is varnish cache

What is Varnish Cache?

Varnish Cache is a web application accelerator also known as a caching HTTP reverse proxy. You install it in front of any server that speaks HTTP and configure it to cache the contents. Varnish Cache is really, really fast. It typically speeds up delivery with a factor of 300 - 1000x, depending on your architecture.

    What you get

    Identify and Resolve Varnish Cache Performance Issues

    With Varnish Cache integration, you can get end-to-end visibility into all the key metrics and logs needed for efficient troubleshooting. Out-of-the-box dashboards feature powerful alerting and reporting tools to find Varnish Cache performance bottlenecks faster.

    • Monitor Backend and Client reports to identify signs of issues such as misconfigurations, network problems, or changes in traffic patterns
    • Assess how efficiently Varnish Cache is utilizing its cache to reduce server load and improve performance
    • Check whether thread pools are functioning properly and are healthy
    • Get notified about increasing 4xx and 5xx response rates
    • Use the Traffic Insight report to see top clients, referrers, average response time and time to serve the first byte categorized by servers.
    • Use the Traffic Distribution report to see the traffic distribution across servers
    • Use tips integrated in the dashboards to understand what metrics are about and how to fine-tune their corresponding settings
    Identify and Resolve Varnish Cache Performance Issues( )

    Everything you need to monitor Varnish Cache comes out of the box

    Customize reports, charts, and alerts as you wish

      Metrics Collected 204
      Dashboards 9
      Charts 43
      Alerts 4


      Monitor Varnish Cache Metrics in Real Time

      Are you experiencing a high number of backend connections, sudden spikes, or drops in the backend request rate? Perhaps you're seeking ways to reduce the load on backend servers and improve response times. Or you may simply want to understand when and why cache invalidations occur. We've got you covered! Take advantage of a variety of pre-built dashboards featuring the most important Varnish Cache metrics to monitor, accompanied by tips for troubleshooting. Below is an indicative list of the available metrics that can be found in Varnish Cache dashboards:

      • Backend connections (successful, failed, busy, recycled, retries, reused)
      • Backend request rate
      • Client requests
      • Client responses by code
      • Cache hits and misses
      • Cache grace hits and cache hits for misses
      • Threads queue
      • Threads created, failed, destroyed, limited
      • Bans added, completed, deleted
      • Bans client requests
      • Detailed OS metrics: CPU, disk IO, network, etc.
      • Check the Varnish Cache Monitoring documentation for the complete list of metrics Sematext provides.
      Monitor Varnish Cache Metrics in Real Time( )


      Correlate Varnish Cache Metrics and Logs for Faster Troubleshooting

      Varnish Cache integration captures both Varnish Cache metrics and Varnish Cache Logs. Both come with out of the box dashboards and alert rules. Moreover, Varnish Cache metrics and logs can be correlated using Split Screen to cut troubleshooting time in half.

      • View Top Clients and Referrers: Observe the highest-performing clients and referrers. Additionally, analyze average response times and time taken to server the first byte, categorized by servers
      • Analyze Server Traffic Distribution: Understand the distribution of traffic across servers. Utilize data volume and bytes served for resource planning purposes
      • Monitor Requests to Client and Backend: Keep track of requests made to both the client and backend sides of Varnish Cache to optimize hit rates on each side
      • Receive Alerts for Abnormal Error Response Rates: Stay informed with alerts in case of an increase in the error response rates
      Correlate Varnish Cache Metrics and Logs for Faster Troubleshooting( )


      Notify Your DevOps Team About Critical Issues

      Stay on top of performance issues with customizable monitoring and alerting on any combination of metrics, filters, and logs. Varnish Cache specific alert rules are provided out of the box.

      Notify Your DevOps Team About Critical Issues( )


      Benefit from Pre-Built Monitoring Dashboards

      Sematext gives you out-of-the-box dashboards so you don’t have to spend time building your own from scratch. This lets you get started right away and monitor the availability, health, and performance of your cluster with minimal effort.

      • Get out-of-the-box monitoring charts
      • Save time and effort by tracking only the metrics that matter without spending time building your own dashboards
      • All your metrics in a single place
      • Most dashboards include tips with explanations of metrics and suggestions for what to do when a metric spikes or dips.
      Benefit from Pre-Built Monitoring Dashboards( )


      Start Monitoring your Cluster in Seconds

      Sematext features a simple monitoring agent setup with extremely low overhead and no dependencies.

      • Install the Sematext Agent in seconds.
      • Supported across any environment, Linux, Docker, Kubernetes, and more
      • Use Discovery to discover and monitor services inside containers
      • Select which performance metrics and logs to collect from the UI
      Start Monitoring your Cluster in Seconds( )

      Plans and pricing

      Plans and Pricing

      Sematext Cloud pricing starts at $3.6/month/host. There are no long-term commitments necessary, and the cost is usage-based. Monthly cost estimates are displayed in Sematext during and after the free trial to avoid any surprises and provide 100% transparency.

      See Plans and Pricing Schedule a Demo

        Sematext shows one unified view for all of our Docker log, events, and metrics!

        Ben Reichter Ben Reichter
        DevOps Engineer, Tozny

        Sematext Logs provides us a flexible, extensible and reliable means of monitoring all of our environments in real time

        Zach David Zach David
        Test Automation Lead – Healthgrades

        Sematext is great for monitoring SolrCloud, with out of the box dashboards and easy to setup alerts

        Chris George Chris George
        Manager, VIPConsult

        Just looking at the default graphs it was clear I can reduce my serverless resource usage on Vercel by 90%, by reducing the allocated memory. Sematext simply turns your logs in actionable data, out of the box. Costs, performance, it's all there

        Andrei Vreja Andrei Vreja
        Maker, iForge

        We looked into running our own Elastic Stack, and quickly realized that was a job and specialty within itself. We are a small startup and every dollar counts. Wasting precious and expensive sysadmin time on managing things far out of our project scope really isn’t an option

        Zach Aufort Zach Aufort
        CEO, BlockGen