
Sematext Logagent Log Shipper

What is Logagent?

Logagent is a modern, open-source, lightweight log shipper with a low memory footprint and low CPU overhead!

It comes with out of the box and extensible log parsing, on-disk buffering, secure transport, and log shipping with bulk indexing to any Elasticsearch endpoint, including Sematext Logs, Kafka, etc.

If you're eager to get started, here's how you start shipping logs.

# Make sure you have Node.js installed
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

# Install Logagent and run it as a system service
sudo npm i -g @sematext/logagent
sudo logagent-setup -i <LOGS_TOKEN or ES_INDEX>

To read more jump to Installation right away.


Logagent contains an installer when you want to use it as a log shipper. Configuration is done via a simple YAML configuration file. It has a library that supports patterns for log parsing, and it can also be used as a command line tool.

  • Install Logagent with:
    • Linux Systemd
    • Linux Upstart
    • Windows service
    • Mac OS X Launchd service
    • Docker
    • Docker Swarm
    • Kubernetes
  • Log shipping with a disk buffer ensures no loss of data
  • A simple YAML configuration file
  • Built-in data parser with configurable patterns
  • Command-line tool
  • Plugins:
    • Inputs (files, streams, sockets, databases)
    • Input filters (grep/grok filters)
    • Outputs (Elasticsearch, Sematext Cloud, Kafka, etc.)
    • Output filters (SQL aggregation of parsed data, enrichment of data)
  • Node.js API

Installation Options


After installing Logagent, run logagent-setup to create a system service and start shipping logs right away. This will also create a simple YAML configuration file for you in /etc/sematext/logagent.conf.

# /etc/sematext/logagent.conf

# Global options
  # print stats every 60 seconds 
  printStats: 60
  # don't write parsed logs to stdout
  suppress: true
  # Enable/disable GeoIP lookups
  geoipEnabled: false
  # Directory to store Logagent status and temporary files
  # this is equals to LOGS_TMP_DIR env variable 
  diskBufferDir: /tmp/sematext-logagent

  # a list of glob patterns to watch files to tail
    - '/var/log/**/*.log'

  # index logs in Elasticsearch or Sematext Logs
  sematext: # output a name, e.g., elasticsearch, sematext, etc.
    module: elasticsearch
    # default Elasticsearch index or Sematext Logs token to use
    index: <LOGS_TOKEN or ES_INDEX>
    # indices for shipping logs to multiple locations
      <LOGS_TOKEN_1 or ES_INDEX_1>: 
      # list of log sources or filenames
        - syslog\.log
        - access\.log
        - auth\.log
      <LOGS_TOKEN_2 or ES_INDEX_2>: 
      # list of RegEx matching a log source or filename
        - .*wifi.*
        - .*bluetooth.*

Command-line Tool

Logagent can also be used as a command-line tool. To use Logagent only as a command-line tool running logagent-setup and using the default configuration file is not needed.

  • Works with Unix pipes, stdin, and stdout
  • Log parser and format converter

    • text to JSON
    • line delimited JSON or YAML

      cat access.log | logagent --yaml
  • Import files into Elasticsearch

    cat access.log | logagent -n nginx -e http://localhost:9200 -i logs
  • Watch multiple log files in the terminal

    logagent -yaml -g '/var/log/**/*.log'
  • Store logs in Elasticsearch

    logagent -e http://localhost:9200 -i logs

Built-in Log Parser

You can configure custom data patterns for parsing logs.

  • Log format detection and intelligent pattern matching
  • The pattern library includes a set of popular log formats for databases, web servers, message queues, etc.
  • Easy to extend with custom patterns and Javascript transform functions
  • Hot reload of changed pattern definitions without service restart
  • Auto-detection of date and numeric fields
  • Masking of sensitive data with configurable hashing algorithms (SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512, …)
  • GeoIP lookup


A comprehensive collection of plugins for data input, processing, and output are available. See the complete list of Logagent Plugins.


Logagent is an npm package and can add log parsing to Node.js applications.

  • Logsene-CLI - Enables searching logs in Sematext Logs from the command-line
  • Winston-Logsene - Logging for Node.js - Winston transport layer for Sematext Logs