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Couchbase Monitoring

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Couchbase Monitoring

Unlock the full potential of your Couchbase deployment with streamlined monitoring, faster troubleshooting, and improved performance optimization.


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Unlock the full potential of your Couchbase deployment with streamlined monitoring, faster troubleshooting, and improved performance optimization.

What is couchbase

What is Couchbase?

Couchbase is a NoSQL database that's highly scalable and distributed, designed for modern high-performance applications. It supports JSON documents, N1QL querying, and has built-in caching and indexing. It's ideal for handling large volumes of data and high concurrency, with features like automatic sharding and replication.

    What you get

    Faster Detection and Visualization of Couchbase Performance Issues with Pre-built Metrics, Logs, and Alerts

    • Quickly determine the load per application by measuring the operations per second that occur for a given bucket
    • Optimize performance by measuring Cache Miss Rate metric, which gives the ratio of requested objects in cache versus those that need to be fetched from disk. This provides insights into whether the cluster is holding the expected data in memory, and can help you identify opportunities to improve data caching and reduce disk reads
    • Improve Couchbase database health by monitoring Fragmentation metric (docs.fragmentation), which measures the fragmentation in the cluster’s append-only storage format on disk
    • Forecast the need for additional nodes by monitoring the Resident Items Ratio and Memory Headroom in conjunction with Cache Miss Ratio metrics
    • Monitor and optimize Couchbase clusters to handle more traffic and support more users as the business grows by helping your DevOps teams identify bottlenecks and scale resources accordingly
    • Use valuable operational tips built-into Couchbase monitoring dashboard to promptly diagnose and troubleshoot issues even if you have limited familiarity with Couchbase
    Faster Detection and Visualization of Couchbase Performance Issues with Pre-built Metrics, Logs, and Alerts( )


    Monitor Couchbase Metrics in Real Time

    Get real-time insights into cluster performance metrics, such as disk and memory utilization, read and write operations, network throughput, and query performance. This way DevOps teams can proactively identify and troubleshoot issues before they impact application performance, allowing for better resource allocation, and a more stable and responsive Couchbase deployment.

    • Cluster-level metrics like disk and memory utilization, CPU usage, and node count
    • Read and write operations, including successful and failed operations, and disk write queue size
    • Query performance metrics such as query latency, errors, and rate of failed queries
    • Indexing metrics, including the number of indexed documents and indexing errors
    • Network throughput, including the number of open connections and bytes sent and received
    • Cache hit ratio, miss ratio, and eviction rate
    • Memory Watermarks (high and low)
    • XDCR (Cross Data Center Replication) replication lag and queue size
    • Bucket-level metrics like the number of active connections, memory usage, and disk write queue size
    • Check the Couchbase Monitoring documentation for the complete list of metrics Sematext provides
    Monitor Couchbase Metrics in Real Time( )


    Alert Your DevOps Team about Critical Issues

    Having alerts and notifications in your Couchbase cluster enables timely and proactive detection of critical issues, allowing your DevOps team to respond quickly and prevent potential downtime or data loss.

    • Set up anomaly detection or threshold alerts
    • Send notifications to Slack, PagerDuty, ServiceNow, custom Webhooks, email, etc.
    • Get out-of-the-box fine-tuned alerts for immediate notification of critical issues, such as high CPU utilization, low memory availability, or node failure, helping to minimize downtime and data loss.
    • Proactive detection of potential issues before they become severe, such as large number of item expiration or evictions, which could indicate that the data cache is not adequately sized and may need to be adjusted.
    Alert Your DevOps Team about Critical Issues( )


    Gain Advantage with Ready-to-Use Monitoring Dashboards

    Pre-built dashboards and reports are essential for Couchbase as they enable quick visualization of crucial metrics, ultimately saving you time and money. This allows DevOps teams to easily track Couchbase performance, identify issues in real-time, and gain insights into performance trends over time.

    • Quick visualization of important metrics, such as disk operations, memory watermarks, network throughput, document count, query latency, cache miss ratio, resident items ratio
    • Easy tracking of Couchbase performance and health in real-time
    • Reduction of manual data collection and analysis efforts
    • Streamlined communication between DevOps teams and stakeholders with Sematext collaboration features such as App Guests and Scheduled Reports
    • Dashboards typically contain tips, which provide context and actionable advice when a metric experiences an unexpected increase or decrease. These TIPs often explain the significance of a metric and offer suggestions for further investigation
    Gain Advantage with Ready-to-Use Monitoring Dashboards( )


    Start Monitoring your Cluster in seconds

    Sematext features a simple monitoring agent setup with extremely low overhead and no dependencies.

    • Install the Sematext Agent in seconds
    • Supported across any environment, Linux, Docker, Kubernetes, and more
    • Use Discovery to discover and monitor services running inside containers
    • Select which performance metrics and logs to collect from the UI
    Start Monitoring your Cluster in seconds( )

    Plans and pricing

    Plans and Pricing

    Sematext Monitoring starts at $3.6/month/host. There are no long-term commitments necessary, and the cost is usage-based. Monthly cost estimates for the current month are displayed in Sematext during and after the free trial to avoid any surprises and provide 100% transparency.

    See Plans and Pricing Schedule a Demo

      Sematext shows one unified view for all of our Docker log, events, and metrics!

      Ben Reichter Ben Reichter
      DevOps Engineer, Tozny

      Just looking at the default graphs it was clear I can reduce my serverless resource usage on Vercel by 90%, by reducing the allocated memory. Sematext simply turns your logs in actionable data, out of the box. Costs, performance, it's all there

      Andrei Vreja Andrei Vreja
      Maker, iForge

      We looked into running our own Elastic Stack, and quickly realized that was a job and specialty within itself. We are a small startup and every dollar counts. Wasting precious and expensive sysadmin time on managing things far out of our project scope really isn’t an option

      Zach Aufort Zach Aufort
      CEO, BlockGen

      Sematext is great for monitoring SolrCloud, with out of the box dashboards and easy to setup alerts

      Chris George Chris George
      Manager, VIPConsult

      Sematext Logs provides us a flexible, extensible and reliable means of monitoring all of our environments in real time

      Zach David Zach David
      Test Automation Lead – Healthgrades