At the end of November, we’ll be migrating the Sematext Logs backend from Elasticsearch to OpenSearch

Google Summer of Code and Intern Sponsoring

March 11, 2011

Table of contents

Are you a student and looking to do some fun and rewarding coding this summer? Then join us for the 2011 Google Summer of Code!

The application deadline is in less than a month! Lucene has identified initial potential projects, but this doesn’t mean you can also pick your own.  If you need additional ideas, look at our Lucene / Solr for Academia: PhD Thesis Ideas (or just the spreadsheet if you don’t want to read the what and the why),  just be sure to discuss with the community first (send an email to

We should also add that, separately from GSoC, Sematext would be happy to sponsor good students and interns interested in work on projects involving search (Lucene, Solr), machine learning & analytics (Mahout), big data (Hadoop, HBase, Hive, Pig, Cassandra), and related areas. We are a virtual and geographically distributed organization whose members are spread over several countries and continents and we welcome students from all across the globe.  For more information please inquire within.

Java Logging Basics: Concepts, Tools, and Best Practices

Imagine you're a detective trying to solve a crime, but...

Best Web Transaction Monitoring Tools in 2024

Websites are no longer static pages.  They’re dynamic, transaction-heavy ecosystems...

17 Linux Log Files You Must Be Monitoring

Imagine waking up to a critical system failure that has...