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Search Relevance Consulting

We've helped hundreds of companies design, tune and extend their Solr, Elasticsearch and OpenSearch solutions for better search results.

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Search Relevance Consulting

Complementary to our Solr, Elasticsearch and OpenSearch consulting and training, Sematext provides search relevance consulting so Ecommerce and other enterprise search use-cases can return better results.

We have deep expertise in Elasticsearch, Solr and OpenSearch which is useful if you're looking to tweak your data model, analysis, queries or similarity. But we can also help you extend your search engine via custom plugins or build and serve models for tasks such as entity extraction through many technologies like Tensorflow, OpenNLP or Spacy.

Professional Services

  • Build and maintain a relevance testing harness or help using existing tools like Quepid.
  • Design and implement the data model and ingest pipeline.
  • Tweak analysis, queries, similarities, etc.
  • Build and serve a model to augment queries and/or results: entity extraction, query tagging, learning to rank, etc.
  • Deploy, tune and scale Solr/Elasticsearch/OpenSearch as well as the ingest pipeline and the model serving layer.
  • Code reviews, mentoring, and troubleshooting.

Need Search Relevance Consulting

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