Let’s Encrypt has announced that it will no longer send certificate expiration notification emails. What now?

DevOps terminology glossary

Definitions of common DevOps terms and buzzwords


Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

What Is Cumulative Layout Shift? Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is a Core Web Vitals metric and it calculates the shifting of elements while the page is being downloaded and rendered.

CPU Limit

Definition: What Is CPU Limit? CPU limit refers to a configuration parameter in containerization platforms like Kubernetes that restricts the maximum amount of CPU resources a container can utilize. By

Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)

Definition: What Is CI/CD? CI/CD, which stands for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (or Continuous Delivery), is a software development approach that emphasizes automating and streamlining the process of building,

Container Orchestration

Definition: What Is Container Orchestration? Container orchestration is the automation of different operational tasks required to run and manage containers in an environment, including container provisioning, deployment, scaling, management, load


Definition: What Are Containers? Containers are a standard way to package and ship everything—code, configurations, libraries, and dependencies—needed to run your application in any runtime environment. You can see it

Compliance Level

Definition: What Is Compliance Level? Compliance level refers to the degree of conformity in meeting pre-defined performance and reliability targets. It measures the extent to which the system or service

Certificate Authority (CA)

Definition: What Is a Certificate Authority? A Certificate Authority (CA) is a trusted organization that issues and revokes digital certificates and certifies websites and other web entities. They do this


Definition: What Is a Cache? In computer science, a cache is a storage location used to temporarily store data used by servers, apps, and browsers to speed load times. Depending



Definition: What is Dynatrace? Dynatrace is a software intelligence platform designed to help organizations monitor, optimize, and manage the performance of their applications, infrastructure, and digital experiences. It provides real-time

Docker Logs Guide

When building containerized applications, logging is definitely one of the most important things to get right from a DevOps standpoint. Log management helps DevOps teams debug and troubleshoot issues faster,


Definition: What Is Docker? Docker is an open source virtualization technology that makes it easy to build, test, and deploy applications. With Docker, you can ship your applications in a

DNS Lookup time

What Is a DNS Lookup Time? Before defining a DNS lookup, you first need to understand how DNS works. DNS stands for Domain Name System, a server or set of


Definition: What Is DevSecOps and How Does It Work? DevSecOps stands for development, security, and operations. It's a software development practice that involves integrating security throughout the entire software development

DevOps Pipeline

Definition: What Is a DevOps Pipeline? A DevOps pipeline is a collection of automated procedures and tools that enables developers (Dev) and operations specialists (Ops) to collaborate on developing and


Definition: What Is DevOps? DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and information-technology operations (Ops) to shorten the time between committing a code change and deploying


Definition: What Is Datadog? Datadog is a cloud-based monitoring and analytics platform known for its extensive capabilities in providing insights into application, infrastructure, and system performance. This tool enables organizations






Syslog is a standard on devices for recording events and errors in a consistent format. This allows different programs to understand the messages. System administrators use syslog to track how

Structured Logging

Definition: What Is Structured Logging? Structured logging is the practice of logging application and server errors or access events in a well-structured and consistent format that can be easily read,

Status Page

Definition: What Is a Status Page? The status page is a tool companies use to provide customers with real-time updates and information about the operational status of their services or

SSL/TLS Handshake

What Is a SSL/TLS Handshake? A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) / Transport Layer Security (TLS) handshake is the process of creating a safe and secure encrypted communication channel between the

SSL Certificate Expiry

What Is an SSL Certificate Expiry? The SSL certificate authenticates the identity of a website owner and establishes a secure and encrypted connection to the server for its visitors. It

SSL Certificate Chain

What Is an SSL Certificate Chain? The certificate chain, also known as the certificate chain of trust, is an ordered list of digital certificates, including SSL/TLS certificates and Certificate Authority

SSL Certificate

Definition: What Is an SSL Certificate? An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that provides authentication for a website. SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layers, a standard technology protocol that


Definition: What is Site24x7? Site24x7 is a cloud-based platform designed to monitor websites and servers, and it caters to businesses ranging from small startups to large enterprises. It allows users

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)

Definition: What Is Site Reliability Engineering? Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is a software engineering approach developed by Google to ensure the reliable and efficient operation of large-scale, complex systems. It

Service Level Objectives (SLOs)

Definition: What Is an SLO? Service Level Objectives (SLOs) are goals and targets established within a Service Level Agreement (SLA). They are typically set to measure the health and performance

Service Level Indicators (SLIs)

Definition: What Is a Service Level Indicator? Service Level Indicators (SLIs) are quantifiable defined metrics that measure the performance and availability of a service or distributed system. A few of

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Definition: What Is an SLA? A service-level agreement (SLA) is a contract agreement that defines the terms of service between a vendor or service provider and its client. It is



Windows Services

What are Windows Services? Windows Services are specialized programs running in the Windows operating system's background. They operate independently of user sessions and can be configured to start automatically when

Windows Performance Counters

What are Windows Performance Counters? Windows Performance Counters are integral tools for monitoring and diagnosing system performance on Windows operating systems. They provide detailed metrics about various system resources, including

Windows Monitoring Guide

Windows monitoring involves tracking and analyzing various metrics and activities on Windows operating systems and servers. This includes monitoring resource usage, system performance, application behavior, and security events. The goal

Windows Event Log

What is a Windows Event Log? The Windows Event Log is a crucial part of the Windows operating system, providing a centralized way to manage and view logs of various

Windows Event

What is a Windows Event? A Windows Event is a record in the Windows operating system documenting significant occurrences, such as system operations, security events, application activities, or setup processes.

What Is Log Management in DevOps

Definition: What Is Log Management Log management is the process of handling log events generated by all software applications and infrastructure on which they run. It involves log collection, aggregation,


Definition: What Is a Webhook? A webhook is a mechanism that allows one system or application to send real-time data or notifications to another system or application. It is typically

Web Transaction Monitoring

Web transactions are sequences of user interactions with a website or web app, such as logging in, searching, and making purchases, involving multiple steps between the user's browser and the