At the end of November, we’ll be migrating the Sematext Logs backend from Elasticsearch to OpenSearch

Top JavaScript Dynamic Table Libraries

September 19, 2011

Table of contents

UPDATE: See Introducing Sematable for the most modern React/Redux table component.

Since @sematext focuses on Search, Data and Text Analytics, and similar areas that typically involve exclusively backend, server-side work, we rarely publish anything that deals with UI, UX, with JavaScript, front ends, and do on. However, our Search Analytics and Scalable Performance Monitoring services/products do have rich, data-driven UIs (think reports, graphs, charts, tables), so we are increasingly thinking (obsessing?) about usability, intuitive and clean interfaces, visual data representations, etc. (in fact, we have an opening for a UI/UX designer and developer).  Recently, we decided to upgrade a group of Search Analytics reports that, until now, used a quickly-thrown-together HTML table that, as much as we loved its simplicity, needed a replacement.  So we set out to look for something better, more functional and elegant.  In the process we identified a number of JavaScript libraries for rendering and browsing tabular data.  Eventually we narrowed our selection to 6 JavaScript libraries whose characteristics we analyzed.  In the spirit of sharing and helping others, please find their feature matrix below.



JqGrid (aka Sigma2)





License GPL v2 license or a BSD (3-point) license LGPL MIT Grid License $449 MIT License from $600
Show/Hide columns yes No/no No/no
Update: Yes, using ColumnPicker plugin 
Yes/yes Yes/yes Yes/yes
Resize/Reorder columns yes/yes Yes/yes Yes/yes Yes/yes Yes/yes Yes/yes
Client side sorting yes yes yes yes no yes
Support JSO as data sourc yes yes yes yes yes yes
Export data to Excel/CSV yes yes no Excel and PDF no No, but see forum
on this topic 
Endless scroll yes no yes yes no yes
Filter by columns yes yes Not very useful but exists in different area, not in header yes no yes
Search(all columns simultaneously). yes yes yes(server) no yes no
Aggregation footer no no no yes no no
Additional information Has a lot extensions and plug-ins Looks nice Handles hundreds of thousands of rows with good speed Easy java integration

Guess which of the above libraries we chose?

If you think we missed a library that deserves a spot in our matrix or if anything looks wrong, please let us know, via comments for example.

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