Let’s Encrypt has announced that it will no longer send certificate expiration notification emails. What now?


Read how we approach engineering here at Sematext

Docker Log Driver Alternatives

"Why does the 'docker logs' command fail?", is one of our frequently asked questions. The answer is simple and mentioned in the Docker documentation: "The docker logs command is not available for drivers

Garbage Collection Settings for Elasticsearch Master Nodes

Elasticsearch comes with good out-of-the-box Garbage Collection settings. So good in fact that the Definitive Guide recommends not changing them. While we agree that most use-cases wouldn’t benefit from GC

GDPR: Top 5 Logging Best Practices

The rather broad definition of personal data in the GDPR requires paying special attention to log data. GDPR and personal data in web server logs is a popular topic in

Top 10 Engineering Changes in 2017

2017 was a good year for Sematext in many ways. On the engineering side of the organization, we've made a number of changes that had a positive impact and paved

IoT: Air Pollution Tracking with Node.js, Elastic Stack, and MQTT

What can you do with a couple of IoT devices, Node.js, Elasticsearch, and MQTT?  You can put together your own Internet of Things setup for measuring air pollution, like I

Elasticsearch online training classes in 2018

Since we’ve been working with Elasticsearch on a daily basis for more than 7 years now and know so much about it, we like helping others improve their knowledge of

Solr online training classes in 2018

Since we’ve been working with Solr on a daily basis for over a decade now and know so much about it, we like helping others improve their knowledge of these

Rsyslog eBook: Centralized Logging with Rsyslog

Centralizing logs to Elasticsearch? Of course, the first log shipper that comes to mind is Logstash. When you get into it, you realize centralizing logs often implies a bunch of

AWS Elasticsearch Service vs. Elasticsearch on EC2

Many of our customers use AWS EC2. In the context of Elasticsearch consulting or support, one question we often get is: should we use AWS Elasticsearch Service instead of deploying Elasticsearch ourselves? The

Top 10 Docker Logging Gotchas

Docker changed not only how applications are deployed, it also changed the workflow for log management. Instead of writing logs to files, containers write logs to the console (stdout/stderr) and