Let’s Encrypt has announced that it will no longer send certificate expiration notification emails. What now?


Read how we approach engineering here at Sematext

Tighter Metrics & Logs Integration

One of the Sematext differentiators is that it’s not just a monitoring solution or just log management solution.  It’s monitoring AND log management in a single solution.  This single pane

Alert Rules & Notification Hooks Sharing

Besides completely revamping the Sematext Cloud user interface recently (hello ReactJS & Redux!), we’ve also made some changes to how certain features work. One of them is related to Alert

Docker Security: Using Docker Secrets with Swarm

This post shows how to use Docker Secrets in Docker Swarm mode. For our example we’ll show how to use Docker Secrets to encrypt and safely store tokens used by

Sematext @ CloudNativeCon + KubeCon Berlin

On March 29-30, Cloud NativeCon + KubeCon – Berlin, Germany brings together almost 1500 developers, architects, technical leaders, CIOs, CTOs, and analysts from open source cloud native communities – all

Sematext Solr AutoComplete: Introduction and Howto

Sematext Solr AutoComplete is an open-source Solr add-on that provides suggest-as-you-type functionality. In this post we'll explain how you can install it, load the autocomplete collection/core with suggestions and how

5 Steps to MeteorJS Monitoring

Meteor is a full-stack JavaScript platform for developing modern web and mobile applications. It includes developer tools, websockets, MongoDB integration, and a package manager.  Atmosphere.js is the Meteor package manager.

[VIDEO] Elasticsearch for logs and metrics: A deep dive @O’Reilly Velocity

Since we work with Elasticsearch and Solr on a daily basis and know so much about them we like helping others improve their knowledge of these technologies, not only through

Network Security with Bro (now Zeek) and Elasticsearch

Intrusion detection systems generate highly valuable logs with network usage details and alerts. They collect vast amounts of data and typically store them in structures with a large number of

Solr New Metrics API: Quick look at Solr 6.4

As you know, in Sematext we looooove logs and metrics and we enjoy playing with them on a daily basis. We have our Logsene, which is all about logs and

What is Syslog: Daemons, Message Formats and Protocols

Pretty much everyone's heard about syslog: with its roots in the 80s, it's still used for a lot of the log management done today. Mostly because of its long history, syslog