At the end of November, we’ll be migrating the Sematext Logs backend from Elasticsearch to OpenSearch


Open Distro for Elasticsearch Review

Over the years the adoption of Elasticsearch and its ecosystem of tools positioned them as the leaders in the time series data management and analysis market. With strong search capabilities,

Entity Extraction with Scikit-learn Classifiers

What is entity extraction? Entity extraction is the process of figuring out which fields a query should target, as opposed to always hitting all fields. For example: how to tell,

Elastic Stack Features (formerly X-Pack) Alternatives Comparison

Elastic Stack Features (formerly X-Pack) is an Elastic Stack extension that bundles security, alerting, monitoring, reporting, and graph capabilities. One could use either all or specific components. Elastic Stack Features as

Using Solr to Tag Text

Over the years, natural language processing, in the world of search, went from interesting detail to a must have, especially in areas such as e-commerce. Engineers started incorporating classification, synonym

Search Relevance – Solr & Elasticsearch Similarities

What is Search Relevance Similarity Lucene has a lot of options for configuring similarity. By extension, Solr and Elasticsearch have the same options. Similarity makes the base of your relevancy

Solr Learning To Rank and Streaming Expressions

During the Entity Extraction For Product Searches talk that Radu Gheorghe and I gave at Activate conference in Montreal last year, we talked about various natural language processing and machine learning algorithms. We

Generating Word Embeddings with Gensim’s word2vec

During our Activate presentation, we talked about how to do query expansion by dynamically generating synonyms. Instead of statically defining synonyms lists, we showed a demo of how you could

Field Stats for Elasticsearch 6.x

We're excited to announce the release of the Field Stats API plugin for Elasticsearch. The Field Stats API used to be present from Elasticsearch 1.6 to 5.6, to provide efficient

Named Entity Extraction with OpenNLP

We recently had a presentation at Activate 2018 about entity extraction in the context of a product search. For example: how to tell, when the user typed in Activate 2018,

Garbage Collection Settings for Elasticsearch Master Nodes

Elasticsearch comes with good out-of-the-box Garbage Collection settings. So good in fact that the Definitive Guide recommends not changing them. While we agree that most use-cases wouldn’t benefit from GC