At the end of November, we’ll be migrating the Sematext Logs backend from Elasticsearch to OpenSearch

Error Budget

July 21, 2023

Table of contents

Definition: What Is an Error Budget?

An error budget is a predefined allowance or limit for acceptable errors or failures within a system or process. It represents the tolerance for mistakes, bugs, or downtime that can occur before the user experience or overall system reliability is compromised. By setting an error budget, teams can prioritize their efforts, balance innovation with stability, and make informed decisions on where to invest resources to minimize errors and improve overall system performance.

Java Logging Basics: Concepts, Tools, and Best Practices

Imagine you're a detective trying to solve a crime, but...

Best Web Transaction Monitoring Tools in 2024

Websites are no longer static pages.  They’re dynamic, transaction-heavy ecosystems...

17 Linux Log Files You Must Be Monitoring

Imagine waking up to a critical system failure that has...