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Private Locations

Run synthetic tests from your private network.

  • Monitor internal APIs or web applications that are not accessible from the Internet
  • Add unlimited private locations in addition to public locations
  • No additional costs for private locations
Private Locations

Deploy Private Agents for Monitoring

  • Install agents on a machine within your private network.
  • Agents are deployed as Docker containers
  • Deployable anywhere containers will run - Windows, Linux, etc.
  • Once added, the private location functions identically to any public location provided
  • Choose the private location when creating a monitor for an endpoint hosted within it
Private Locations

Use Cases for Private Locations in Synthetic Testing:

  • Monitor your applications from specific locations that are not supported by Sematext
  • Compare application performance between the public internet and your private network
  • Evaluate and contrast how applications behave in different network environments
  • Debug and troubleshoot application issues specific to your private network setup
  • Mimic real-world scenarios by simulating network conditions specific to your private network setup
Private Locations