Let’s Encrypt has announced that it will no longer send certificate expiration notification emails. What now?


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11 Best Redis Monitoring Tools [2023 Review]

Redis is an open-sourced, BSD 3 licensed, highly efficient in-memory data store that can be easily used as a distributed, in-memory key-value store, cache, or message broker. It is known

Top 7 NGINX Log Analyzer Tools [2024 Comparison]

NGINX is a highly popular web server considered one of the fastest solutions on the market. You can use it for serving data for small, personal projects, as a reverse

10+ Best MongoDB Monitoring Tools and Services [2023 Comparison]

MongoDB is a cross-platform NoSQL database that uses JSON-like documents with optional schema to store data. It was designed for high availability, high performance for high-data persistence use cases, and

A Complete Guide to PostgreSQL Performance Tuning: Key Optimization Tips DBAs Should Know

PostgreSQL is an open-source relational database that is highly flexible and reliable and offers a varied set of features. Even though it is a complex database, it provides great integrity

Ubuntu Logs: How to Check and Configure Log Files

Ubuntu provides extensive logging capabilities, so most of the activities happening in the system are tracked via logs. Ubuntu logs are valuable sources of information about the state of your

How to Monitor MongoDB: Key Metrics to Measure for High Performance

Monitoring distributed systems like MongoDB is very important to ensure optimal performance and constant health. But even the best monitoring tool will not be efficient without fully understanding the metrics

HAProxy Logging Configuration Explained: How to Enable and View Log Files

HAProxy is generally the frontend layer of your application, which means it plays a critical role since all traffic first lands on this layer. Because of this, you need to

Redis Monitoring: What Metrics Should You Measure to Ensure Performance

Redis is an open-sourced, BSD 3 licensed, highly efficient in-memory data store. It is used widely in the industry because of its incredible performance and ease of use. It can

How to Tail Kubernetes Logs: Using the Kubectl Command to See Pod, Container, and Deployment Logs

Logs are a critical aspect of any production workload, as they give you insight into what is happening in your system and tell you which components may be having issues.

Writing a Custom Sort Plugin for Solr

OK, so you want to sort your documents by something that can’t be implemented with Solr’s built-in functions. This calls for a custom function, which you can implement through your