At the end of November, we’ll be migrating the Sematext Logs backend from Elasticsearch to OpenSearch

How to Tail Kubernetes Logs: Using the Kubectl Command to See Pod, Container, and Deployment Logs

October 14, 2022

Table of contents

Logs are a critical aspect of any production workload, as they give you insight into what is happening in your system and tell you which components may be having issues. The traditional method of looking at logs involves basic Linux commands like tail, less, or sometimes cat. But in a modern system with containerized workloads, it can be a bit tricky to tail the logs of all the different components of application, cluster, and worker nodes, especially when you have to manage these containers in large numbers. Container orchestrators, such as Kubernetes, come into play when you have to manage multiple containers in multiple hosts in your environment.

[product_banner type=”kubernetes”]Effortlessly monitor your entire Kubernetes infrastructure in minutes.[/product_banner]

By abstracting away basic operations from the users, Kubernetes makes container management easy. However, Kubernetes is a highly complex system, which can make debugging a headache. In this article, I’ll talk about the tools Kubernetes offers to help with troubleshooting, the kubectl command, and how to use it to check Kubernetes logs and their components.

Need a little extra help getting started with Kubernetes? Check out this short video below.


The kubectl Logs Command

Kubernetes has a CLI present for interacting with the server to make changes to it and manage it. The kubectl command lets you access this CLI, easily execute deployments, look at events, make changes in the different component states, etc. This CLI also has a log command—kubectl log—for looking at logs generated by different Kubernetes components.

Tail Cluster Logs

When we say cluster logs, we’re mostly referring to Kubernetes API server logs, but you also have kube scheduler logs and kube controller logs. All of these tell you everything you need to know about the actions performed by the kube API server. The location of the log files depends on where your Kubernetes cluster is, and you may not always have access to them—in most managed Kubernetes offerings from cloud vendors, like EKS, GKE, and AKS, you won’t. But generally, you’ll find them in the following directories:

  • API server logs: /var/log/kube-apiserver.log
  • Controller logs: /var/log/kube-controller-manager.log
  • Scheduler Logs: /var/log/kube-scheduler.log

If you do have access to these logs, you can tail them using the Linux tail command, which will start following the kube-apiserver logs:

tail -f /var/log/kube-apiserver.log


When running a cluster, you have to understand the events the Kubernetes cluster is producing. This helps you a lot to debug any issue in production. Events are the objects that define what’s happening in the cluster, node, or pod or with Kubernetes constructs. Kubernetes events for each resource tell what changes have happened in Kubernetes.

To see all the events your cluster is generating at a given moment, use:

kubectl get events

Tail Container Logs

A Kubernetes pod is a collection of one or multiple containers. An application will be running in one container, while other containers will run in the pod for the purpose of a service mesh, logging, monitoring, etc.

When running an application, you want to have access to the container logs so that you can debug issues faster. Here’s how you can look at these logs.

Default Logs

kubectl logs podname -n namespace

The above kubectl command shows you the logs of the pod in the specified namespace. Note that the namespace is important, as otherwise, you may not be able to find the podname. Since you haven’t defined the container logs you want to watch, if there is only one container running, you’ll see the log of that container. Otherwise, the command will present you with container names and ask you to specify which one you want.

Specific Container Logs

kubectl logs podname -n namespace -c container_name

This kubectl command retrieves the logs of a specific container. The “-c” option lets you specify the container name, which is very helpful when you’re running more than one container in the pod.

All Containers

Kubectl logs podname -n namespace –all-containers=true

This lets you see the logs of all the containers present in the pod, which is useful in the case of container restarts. Just search through all the container logs at once to figure out which containers are running out of memory.

Tail Logs from Pods

Till now, I’ve talked about the logs of containers in the pod. Now, we’ll look at how you can view logs of multiple containers.

Labels and selectors are a major part of Kubernetes architecture and logging these labels allows you to select the pods whose logs you want to tail.

For example:

kubectl logs -l name=myLabel

With this kubectl command, you can view all the logs for pods with the label “name=myLabel.”

Limit the Number of Lines

Most of the time, logs are huge, and nobody wants to look at more than a few lines, which is why you’ll want to look at a limited number of lines. The following command shows the most recent 100 lines of logs from a given pod:

kubectl logs podname -n namespace - -tail=100

See the Live Logs or Follow

Looking at the continuous logs is crucial, as when you’re debugging, you need to see the live logs. The kubectl logs command below will start following the log stream:

kubectl logs podname -n namespace -f

Select Pods with Labels

Use the option below to select multiple pods at once based on the label specified—very helpful if you’re running a microservice application that has, say, 20 pods. This way, you get all the logs of all these pods at the same time.

kubectl logs -l app_name=nginx

Timestamp Option-Based Log

You can use a kubectl logs command to print the timestamp of each log line to know exactly at what time the log was printed:

kubectl logs —-timestamps=true -l app_name=nginx

The –timestamp option will show you logs of all the pods of an NGINX application with timestamps in each log line.

Multiple Pods

Labels and selectors let you look at multiple pods at once. We’ve already seen an example of this in the above sections. With the –selector option in the kubectl logs command, you can see the logs from multiple application pods with specified labels:

kubectl logs —-selector label_key=label_value

This will show logs of all the containers matching the label “app_name=nginx.”

All Container Logs

You can use the container command options discussed with the -l option to get the logs of all the containers that are running in all the pods for a given label:

kubectl logs -l app_name=nginx –all-containers=true

Previous Container Logs

Most of the time when there’s a problem, your container may restart due to a failed health check or OOM. This is when having logs of the previous containers helps a lot. Kubectl lets you do this:

kubectl logs podname -n namespace -p

It will show logs of the last container instance of the pod. Note, you have to specify the name of the container in case you have multiple containers in the pod.

View Logs Since

Consider a scenario where you know that the issue happened 30 minutes ago—so you need to view the logs from 30 minutes ago. In this case, since and since-time options are really helpful:

kubectl logs podname -n namespace –since=1h

This kubectl logs command will show all the logs from the last hour:

kubectl logs pod_name –since-time=2022-04-30T10:00:00Z

This shows the logs from the time specified. So if you want to take a look at the logs from an exact timestamp, you can use this option.

Pod Events

Pod events are Kubernetes events produced only for that pod. Use the following describe command to see these:

kubectl describe pod podname

At the last part of the output, you’ll see events that are specific to this pod, which helps in debugging if there is any issue with the pod.

Tail Logs from Nodes

Nodes are either virtual or physical machines where you deploy your containerized workloads. Nodes contain the services and resources necessary to run the pods. So it’s very important to understand what logs to look at if we’re debugging at node level.


Worker nodes have two major logs to look at: kubelet logs and kube proxy logs. After these, you should also include CNI pod logs, CSI logs, and kube proxy logs. In addition, the Kubernetes events per node are vital, as these show what’s happening at the node level.

Find kubelet logs at:


Use the Linux tail utility to look at them. Meanwhile, kube-proxy logs can be found at:


There’s also the kubectl logs command to look at the logs of the kube-proxy pod.

To view the CSI driver or CNI pod logs, you have to use the kubectl command if your CSI and CNI drivers are running as pods. Otherwise, if they’re running as a service on Kubernetes worker nodes, use the respective documentation of the CNI or CSI driver to find them.

The following command lets you view the CSI of CNI pod logs:

kubectl logs CNI_POD_NAME -n kube-system
kubectl logs CSI_POD_NAME -n kube-system

You can see the namespace used here is “kube-system.” This is because all these components run in the kube-system namespace. You can also find kube-proxy pods in this namespace.


Whenever you describe any resource, you’ll see the events produced by Kubernetes related to that particular event. So, to describe a particular node and see the events related to that node use:

kubectl describe node node_name

See Deployment Logs

There can be multiple components you want to look at to debug deployments. First, you have to look at all the pod logs in the deployment, which we discussed before; then, apart from these, there are events of the different components of Kubernetes, which are involved during any deployment.

These components include the deployment controller, replicaset controller, and the corresponding pod. To look at these, use the describe command:

kubectl describe deployment deployment_name
kubectl describe replicaset replicaset_name
kubectl describe pod

The output will show you the status and events that the deployment produced in the last section. When you make any change in deployment, you’ll see there’s a new replicaset created. It increases the pods one by one while the old replicaset decreases the pods one by one. This is how the deployment is usually rolled out.

If you want to look at all the logs for a specific deployment, use the command:

kubectl logs deployment/deployment_name

When debugging, you typically have to look at different parts and components. So it’s always a great idea to have these logs in one place; this gives me more visibility and lets you easily set up dashboards and alerts. This is where Sematext’s log management solution, Sematext Logs, can help.

How to Tail Kubernetes Logs with Sematext

This video shows both how to monitor all Kubernetes components AND how to collect and access Kubernetes logs in Sematext. It’s super simple.


Sematext Logs is a hassle-free log aggregation and analysis tool that allows you to correlate logs with events and metrics, live-tail logs, add alerts to logs, and use Google-like syntax for filtering. Sematext’s auto-discovery of logs and services lets you automatically start forwarding and monitoring logs from both log files and containers directly through the user interface.

The process of getting Kubernetes Logs configured with Sematext requires only the installation of a Sematext agent. The easiest way to do that is with a Helm Chart:

helm install --name sematext-agent \
 --set infraToken=<YOUR_INFRA_TOKEN> \
 --set logsToken=<YOUR_LOGS_TOKEN> \
 --set region=<"US" or "EU"> \

This way you’ll get cluster-wide logging, enabling you to collect Kubernetes logs from all containers as well as the Kubernetes system components.

tail kubectl logs

Sematext Logs is part of Sematext Cloud, a full-stack monitoring solution with Kubernetes monitoring capablities. That means that the same logging configuration will also collect container and Kubernetes metrics and events, giving you full observability into your Kubernetes cluster.

how to tail logs in kubernetes


To learn more about what Sematext Logs can do for you, check out the video below or this one on Sematext Cloud if you’re interested to get solution that provides complete visibility into the health and performance of your Kubernetes clusters. Or, better yet, start the 14-day free trial and try Sematext yourself!

Author Bio

Gaurav Yadav
Gaurav has been involved with systems and infrastructure for almost 6 years now. He has expertise in designing underlying infrastructure and observability for large-scale software. He has worked on Docker, Kubernetes, Prometheus, Mesos, Marathon, Redis, Chef, and many more infrastructure tools. He is currently working on Kubernetes operators for running and monitoring stateful services on Kubernetes. He also likes to write about and guide people in DevOps and SRE space through his initiatives Learnsteps and Letusdevops.

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