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Vector Search Consulting

Make your semantic search quick and relevant.

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Vector Search Consulting

As part of our Search relevance consulting Sematext provides vector search consulting to help implement semantic search on top of Elasticsearch, Solr, or OpenSearch.

We have deep expertise in all these search engines, which is useful when you want to combine lexical search with semantic search, as well as when you want to tweak your setup for both relevance and latency. We can help with everything from creating good embeddings to designing clusters and queries to relevance testing.

Professional Services

  • Select, build or tune a model to generate embeddings for the specific search domain.
  • Choose the appropriate number of dimensions, quantization as well as query options.
  • Combine lexical and semantic search for filtering as well as for relevance.
  • Tune everything from hardware profile, OS and JVM options to index layout and merge policy.
  • Build and maintain a relevance testing harness for vector, lexical as well as hybrid search queries.
  • Code reviews, mentoring, and troubleshooting.

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