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Black Friday log management (with the Elastic Stack) checklist

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For this Black Friday, Sematext wishes you:

  • more products sold
  • more traffic and exposure
  • more logs 🙂

Now seriously, applications tend to generate a lot more logs on Black Friday, and they also tend to break down more – making those logs even more precious. If you’re using the Elastic Stack for log management, in this post we’ll share some tips and tricks to prepare you for this extra traffic.

If you’re still grepping through your logs via ssh, doing that on Black Friday might be that more painful, so you have two options:

Either way, let’s move on to the tips.

Tips for Logstash and Friends

The big question here is: can the pipeline easily max out Elasticsearch, or will it become the bottleneck? If your logs go directly from your servers to Elasticsearch, there’s little to worry about: as you spin more servers for Black Friday, your pipeline capacity for processing and buffering will grow as well.

You may get into trouble if your logs are funnelled through one (or a few) Logstash instances, though. If you find yourself in that situation you might check the following:

  • Bulk size. The ideal size depends on your Elasticsearch hardware, but usually you want to send a few MB at a time. Gigantic batches will put unnecessary strain on Elasticsearch, while tiny ones will add too much overhead. Calculate how many logs (of your average size) make up a few MB and you should be good.
  • Number of threads sending data. When one log shipper thread goes through a bulk reply, Elasticsearch shouldn’t be idling – it should get data from another thread. The optimal number of threads depends on whether these threads are doing something else (in Logstash, for example, pipeline threads also take care of parsing, which can be expensive) and on your destination hardware. As a rule of thumb, about 4 threads with few things to do (e.g. no grok or geoip in Logstash) per Elasticsearch data node should be enough to keep them busy. If threads have more processing to do, you may need more of them.
  • The same applies for processing data: many shippers work on logs in batches (Logstash included) and can do this processing on multiple threads.
  • Distribute the load between all Elasticsearch data nodes. This will prevent any one data node from becoming a hotspot. In Logstash, specify an array of destination hosts. Or, you can start using Elasticsearch coordinating-only nodes and point Logstash to two of those (for failover).
  • The same applies for the shipper sending data to the central Logstash servers – the load needs to be balanced between them. For example, in Filebeat you can specify an array of destination Logstash hosts (don’t forget to set loadbalance to true) or you can use Kafka as a central buffer.
  • Make sure there’s enough memory for processing (and buffering, if the shipper buffers in memory). For Logstash, the default heap size may not cope with heavy load, so you may need to increase it in its jvm.options file (monitoring Logstash’s heap usage will tell for sure).
  • If you use grok and have multiple rules, put the rules matching more logs and the cheaper ones earlier in the array. Or use Ingest Nodes to do the grok instead of Logstash.

Learn more about monitoring your website on Black Friday (and on other days, for that matter) by watching the quick video below.

Tips for Elasticsearch

Let’s just dive into them:

  • Refresh interval. There’s an old blog post on how refresh interval influences indexing performance. The conclusions from it are still valid today: for Black Friday at least, you might want to relax the real-time-ness of your searches to get more indexing throughput.
  • Async transaction log. By default, Elasticsearch will fsync() the transaction log after request. You can relax this durability guarantee by setting index.translog.durability to async. This way it will fsync every 5s (default value for index.translog.sync_interval) and save you some precious IOPS.
  • Size based indices. If you’re using strict time-based indices (like one index every day), Black Friday traffic will make bigger indices. This will cause a drop in indexing throughput like this (mainly because of merges):


Indexing throughput graph from SPM Elasticsearch monitor

In order to continue writing at that top speed, you’ll need to rotate indices before they reach that “wall size”, which is usually at 5-10GB per shard. The point is to rotate when you reach a certain size, and not purely by time, and use an alias to always write to the latest index. Use ILM to manage that alias or roll your own management via the Rollover Index API.

  • Ensure load is balanced across data nodes. Otherwise some nodes will become bottlenecks. This requires your number of shards to be proportional to the number of data nodes – typically one shard per node for the latest index. You can twist Elasticsearch’s arm into balancing shards by configuring index.routing.allocation.total_shards_per_node: for example, if you have 2 shards and one replica on a 4-data-node cluster, you’ll set total_shards_per_node to 1.
  • Relax the merge policy. This will slow down your full-text searches a bit (though aggregations would perform about the same), use some more heap and open files in order to allow more indexing throughput. You can find more details in some old Elasticsearch merge policy docs, but 50 segments_per_tier, 20 max_merge_at_once and 500mb max_merged_segment should give you a good boost.
  • Don’t store what you don’t need. Set index to false for fields where you don’t search and set doc_values to false not used for aggregations. At search-time, look in specific fields – you can somewhat enforce that by setting index.query.default_field to message, so that people don’t search in all the fields by default.
  • Use dedicated master nodes. This is also a stability measure that helps your cluster remain consistent even if load makes your data nodes unresponsive.

You’ll find even more tips and tricks, as well as more details on implementing the above, in our Velocity presentation. But the ones described above should give you the most bang per buck (or rather, per time, but you know what they say about time).

Final Words

Tuning & scaling Elasticsearch isn’t rocket science, but it often requires time, money or both. So if you’re not into taking care of all this plumbing, we suggest delegating this task to us by using Sematext Logs, where you’ll get:

If, on the other hand, you are passionate about Elasticsearch or its ecosystem, you might like to hear that we’re hiring worldwide, on a wide range of positions.