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Autoscaling Elasticsearch Clusters for Logs: Using a Kubernetes Operator to Scale Up or Down
When we say “logs” we really mean any kind of time-series data: events, social media, you name it. See Jordan Sissel’s definition of time + data. And when we talk
Web Browser Update Problems: How to Monitor Website Performance Anomalies Caused by New Browser Versions
When new web browser versions are released, new bugs are inevitably introduced, which can degrade a website’s performance and increase the overall page load time. This can severely impact a
Apache Tomcat Monitoring Guide: Best Tools, Key Metrics & How-to [2023]
The Apache Tomcat is an open-source implementation of the Jakarta Servlet, Jakarta Server Pages, Jakarta Expression Language, Jakarta WebSocket, Jakarta Annotations and Jakarta Authentication specifications, all being a part of
OpenSearch 2.1 Release Highlights
OpenSearch 2.1 was recently released and here are the highlights: Snapshot Management: you could back up indices using Index Management before, but this only works well for time-series use-cases, like
solr-reindexer: Quick Way to Reindex to a New Collection
If you’re using Solr, for sure there are times when you change the schema and need to reindex. Quite often the source of truth is a database, so you can
Black Friday log management (with the Elastic Stack) checklist
For this Black Friday, Sematext wishes you: more products sold more traffic and exposure more logs :) Now seriously, applications tend to generate a lot more logs on Black Friday,
20+ Key Server Performance Metrics to Measure for Actionable Monitoring Insights
No matter how well-designed, flashy, or useful your application is for your target users, they may not take kindly to it being slow or, even worse, crashing once in a
PostgreSQL Logs Explained: Logging Configuration Tutorial
PostgreSQL is an open-source relational database management system that's been utilized in continuous development and production for 30 years now. Nearly all the big tech companies use PostgreSQL, as it
Beginner’s Guide to RabbitMQ Logging: How to View, Locate, and Analyze Logs
RabbitMQ is one of the most popular open-source message brokers available. Its ability to be deployed in various configurations and on various platforms makes it a widely used tool; it
NGINX Error & Access Logs: Tutorial for How to View and Configure Them for Efficient Logging
NGINX is one of the most widely used reverse proxy servers, web servers, and load balancers. It has capabilities like TLS offloading, can do health checks for backends, and offers