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Product updates

Autodiscovery for Kubernetes and Docker enterprise

September 20, 2019

Do you run Elasticsearch, Solr, Zookeeper, Apache Kafka, or any other App in Kubernetes, Docker Enterprise or Swarm?

Then you know that it could be challenging to set up monitoring agents to scale with your dynamic applications. Some challenges are configuring and discovering dynamic IP addresses, port numbers, DNS resolutions, JMX access options or database credentials.

If you’ve ever wondered how to use Sematext for monitoring services running in containers, we’ve just made that incredibly simple. We’ve completely revamped the agent instructions to make them easier to follow with copy-paste-execute commands for all popular Sematext monitoring integrations. Instructions for running services in plain containers, Kubernetes, or Docker Swarm are all available.

The new autodiscovery feature in the Sematext Agent automates the deployment of application monitoring agents completely.

The first time you set up monitoring for an App, you add labels or annotations to your App containers with the monitoring token and any other optional properties for configuring the Agent.

The Sematext UI displays the copy/paste instructions for your App containers and Sematext Agent covering:

  • Docker
  • Docker Enterprise / Swarm
  • Kubernetes / OpenShift
  • Helm