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Product updates

Converting to a team account

February 2, 2022

Ever created the perfect monitoring setup on Sematext Cloud with a trial account? Was the setup so good you wanted to use it for work but unfortunately all the Apps and dashboards were set up with your account? Or perhaps you used your work email, but now want to share everything with your teammates so they, too, can not just look at what you’ve done, but also contribute with their dashboards, alert rules, and everything else that you need to have access to as a team. Well, we have some good news – the new team account conversion functionality solves these issues.

Simply go to Settings and choose the new Convert to Team Account option.

Convert to Team Account Start

Enter the team account address and follow the steps

Convert to Team Account Steps

By following the steps and adding information about the new account owner, you can fully transfer the ownership of the account. Your old account automatically gets added as an admin in the new account. It’s important to note that all the data from your old account will be transferred to the new one, so remove anything you don’t want on the new account before initiating the account conversion.