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Product updates

Create Status Page with Sematext Synthetics

February 4, 2021

With Synthetics you can now create public status pages where your users can check the status of your service. When there are issues with your service, you can publish information about the incident directly to the status page. Your users can check the status page manually or subscribe to the incident RSS feed. Here is the key functionality:

  • Percent uptime
  • Markdown support, so you can embed custom and nicely formatted content
  • Adding, updating, and resolving incidents
  • Incidents for scheduled maintenance can be created ahead of time
  • One can subscribe to an RSS feed to be notified of new incidents
  • Automatic 60-second refresh
  • Support for multiple status pages
  • Custom domain names, so you can have status.yourcompany.com for example

Any services that are monitored with Synthetics can be automatically added to the status page for uptime monitoring.

We now use Synthetics for our own official status page at status.sematext.com. This is also a good example of cross-datacenter monitoring. Sematext Cloud US monitors Sematext Cloud EU, and vice versa.