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Product updates

Custom reports for Monitoring & logs apps

December 5, 2018

Sematext Cloud comes with predefined dashboards for every Monitoring App. A huge time saver, because you don’t need to spend hours creating your monitoring or logging dashboards. However, the predefined reports might not be optimal for your particular observability needs. Especially for Logs Apps, you might find that Sematext’s native reports are very handy as you won’t need to switch to Kibana to have a quick look at your report. All reports can be scheduled and delivered via e-mail (click to email icon in the report actions bar). We recently introduced several features that let you customize and extend Sematext App reports:

  • Modify the existing App reports e.g. by moving charts via drag & drop or remove a chart via the top-left menu in the chart.
  • Add or remove widgets in existing reports
  • Add or change the displayed filters
  • Add a new report page with your favorite metrics charts and filters
  • Clone a report
  • Organize reports in “folders” by adding groups for reports
  • Change the order of groups and reports in the left sidebar using the handle on the left side of each group or report in the left sidebar

Screen Shot 2018 11 02 at 17.39.52

Note: All changes to App reports are visible to all App users with access to that App after hitting the “save” button. Don’t be afraid of playing around – you can always reset the App to the original state using the “Reset all reports” menu item, next to the App name in the left navigation bar.

Custom Reports

All widgets, supported in Dashboards, are available in every App-specific report too. To get started with Dashboard functionality check out the Creating Dashboards in Sematext Cloud video.