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Product updates

Introducing mobile app log aAnalysis for Android and iOS

July 3, 2020

With the new mobile application logs integration, you get out of the box insights into what your mobile apps are doing. By using the open-source iOS or Android mobile app SDKs you can collect your mobile apps’ logs and use them for troubleshooting, analytics, and more.

This integration includes a number of out of the box dashboards. There is a dashboard specifically for iOS and another one for Android. There is a dashboard for errors across both Android and iOS with several reports to quickly let you get the sense of error patterns, trends, and numbers. The overview report, which you can see above, is designed to be easily scannable and digestible and give you a birds-eye view of the health of your mobile applications. All data can be filtered and grouped by a number of tags, so you can easily narrow things down to a particular device type, version, geographical region, and more. Note that in Sematext you can create multiple Apps, so if you have more than one mobile app you could ship all their logs to a single App or multiple Apps in Sematext. It’s up to you how you like to see and analyze your data!

Once you have your mobile app logs in Sematext you can create alerts on and be notified about unexpected errors and other types of problematic conditions that could otherwise be overlooked and lead to higher customer churn.

The Geo dashboard shows you where on the planet your mobile users are located. The location data is collected automatically if you enable that via Sematext mobile app SDKs and if users have their location services turned on, of course. The SDKs send latitude and longitude data and Sematext does the rest to show you users by country or continent…