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Product updates

Latest performance tweaks for the Sematext Agent cut the CPU & Memory usage almost in half!

February 13, 2020

50% memory decrease

The latest release of the Sematext Agent cuts down the CPU and memory footprint by almost a half! If you haven’t updated your Sematext Agent instances in a while, now’s the time to do it.

We’ve completely reworked the event pipeline for intercommunication within the agent. It’s now replaced with an even more lightweight version. This, alongside a significant number of low-level tweaks, cut the already tiny CPU usage by a third, while cutting the memory usage in half!

Meanwhile, we took the liberty to add even more data collection features for you, such as even more detailed process metrics. But, you’ll have to wait and see what we have in store for you there. You’ll have access to it in Sematext very soon.

Now you want to update Sematext Agent, don’t you? It’s simple, check it out.