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Product updates

New highlighting features added to enable fast troubleshooting

September 19, 2022

Sematext now offers highlighting for Logs.

By highlighting significant results you can save time while troubleshooting what is going on in your system. The table below shows the logs of what is going on in your infrastructure, and illustrates the trick.

For example, you could highlight all the entries with a `network unavailable` message.

The coloring on the table draws the eye to the `network unavailable` logs and helps you to investigate what went on before and after receiving this error. Sure you can get to this insight by reading the logs. But, the simple use of highlighting makes it much easier to focus on the particular logs. The highlighting can also be used to color the first 10 unique values of a single field. Which helps you to easily distinguish sequential actions. Let’s look at the table below which exposes CRUD operations taking place in a particular system. You can highlight the method field and sequentially track what went on with each operation. Easily understand the effect these operations might have on your systems.

For more information please refer to the logs table quick actions docs.