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New Nginx logs dashboards

July 22, 2021

This is a brand-new integration for NGINX logs. Besides monitoring NGINX or NGINX Plus web server performance metrics you can now ship NGINX logs to Sematext and enjoy a number of useful out-of-the-box dashboards and alert rules. Of course, You can customize, add, or delete any dashboards or alert rules. The simplest way to get started is to head over to Discovery (EU) and look for NGINX logs there. If you don’t see any of your NGINX servers there that means you haven’t installed Sematext Agent (EU) on them. Once you do that you will see NGINX in both the Services and Logs sections of Discovery and will be able to set up both NGINX performance monitoring and log monitoring through the UI.

As you can see on the left side of this screenshot, there are other pre-built reports there that will save you time and give you additional insight into how your NGINX web server is doing, such as:

  • Errors: Logs specifically about errors. You can see which status codes are returned and which errors are logged by your NGINX server.
  • HTTP: Logs about NGINX access logs. Use this report to view any and all data about HTTP requests and responses.
  • Sources: Logs about NGINX source files. You can view where the logs are collected from and from where in the world users are accessing your NGINX server.

If you are using Sematext for monitoring both NGINX performance metrics and NGINX logs, then consider connecting the Apps. Doing that will help you jump from one to the other and back faster, correlate them side by side more easily, and see dashboards from both/all Connected Apps in your alert notifications sent via email, as well as on Alert Landing Pages. All this will make it easier and faster to troubleshoot issues.

Learn more about NGINX logs integration or set up NGINX logs monitoring (EU).