Sematext Synthetics lets you proactively test your APIs, websites, and user journeys. In addition to scheduled monitor runs, now you can run the monitors as part of your CI/CD pipeline. To do that simply trigger monitor runs via the new Run Monitor API. With run monitor API you can:
- Test the APIs, websites, and user journeys in your PR and staging environments and annotate the pull requests with the results.
- Test the APIs, websites, and user journeys in production immediately after deployment and alert when deployments fail.
- Track and catch major changes in performance metrics like page load time, page size, request count, 3rd Party API performance, etc. introduced as part of code changes.
- Integrate synthetic monitoring with your CI/CD tools like Jenkins, TravisCI, GitHub Actions, BitBucket Pipelines, GitLab Pipelines, Netlify and Vercel. Each of these CI/CD integrations is in the docs.