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Product updates

Securely save credentials in User Journey Scripts

July 15, 2022

Synthetics can now securely store sensitive data like credentials and use them in your User Journey Scripts. When you are adding or editing a User Journey Script use the new “Add Sensitive Data” button to enter secret keys and values as shown below.

Screenshot of secure credentials panel

Once added, these keys will be available in the User Journey Script by pressing ‘Ctrl+J’ or ‘Cmd+J’ as shown in the below screenshot.

Screenshot of usage of secure keys in user journey script

After insertion, the script will contain only the key as a reference to the actual value of the secret, but not the value itself. The value will be fetched safely in our servers only when your script is executed. Nobody, including you or Sematext, will be able to view the plain text value of secrets you’ve added. Even if the script is viewed or edited later it will only contain the keys. For more information please refer to storing credentials in User Journey Scripts docs.