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Product updates

Sematext Infra integration is out of the beta!

January 12, 2021

The Sematext Infra App integration and its functionality is now available to all Sematext Cloud users!

Infra Apps act as a storage for metrics, processes and events related to your bare-metal, virtual machine and container infrastructure. Your whole core infrastructure will be monitored through Infra Apps.

Infra Apps will also absorb all container-related functionality and reports that were previously part of the Docker integration which is getting retired.

As part of that all Docker integration users will have their Docker Apps automatically converted to Infra Apps, while keeping their names intact. Their plans will be kept as well. If your Docker App was on a Standard plan, it will stay on the Standard plan after this conversion. The price remains the same and all container usage will from now on be charged through Infra Apps.

Infra Apps that were created while they were still in Beta will now be assigned a free plan to avoid any unwanted billing. To gain access to paid features, like no host or container limits, longer data retention, no alert rule limits and similar, you can upgrade any of your Infra Apps to a paid plan at any point.

There are no changes to any other integrations.

As always, due to the flexible nature of the Sematext Cloud pricing model, you can still choose a different plan for each of the Apps you own depending on your needs.

Check the documentation to learn more about Infra Apps.