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Product updates

Track user satisfaction trends with Sematext Experience

October 20, 2019

The Apdex score is a great metric for tracking user satisfaction for your website. In the initial release of Sematext Experience, our real user monitoring solution, we displayed a smiling, neutral or sad emoji.

Screen Shot 2019 10 24 at 11.44.47

Assuming you took the sad emoji seriously you have probably tuned your website to get more smileys.

Unfortunately, improving web performance is not that easy – many factors influence user experience. Therefore, we’ve added a new chart so you can see how the Apdex score changes over time. This Apdex score chart gives you much better insights into user satisfaction for your website.

Using the new chart for Apdex score over time, together with the page loads chart, you can discover a clear relationship between spikes in load times and decreased user satisfaction. You can also correlate changes in user satisfaction with your web app deployments or website changes.

Screen Shot 2019 10 24 at 11.49.46Apdex score chart and page load count in Sematext Experience