At the end of November, we’ll be migrating the Sematext Logs backend from Elasticsearch to OpenSearch

New and improved alerts for Experience

May 4, 2020

When we first released Experience, we also made it possible to create alerts for different Apdex scores. That worked well enough but now we have improved alerts support in Experience and added additional types of alerts that you can create for your Experience Apps.

This gives you additional flexibility in deciding what is important for your website or webapp.

In addition to Apdex scores, you can now create alerts for:

  • First contentful paint (FCP) time
  • First paint (FP) time
  • HTTP requests count
  • HTTP requests load time
  • Long tasks count
  • Long tasks duration
  • Page load backend load time
  • Page load frontend load time
  • Page load time
  • HTTP resource load count
  • HTTP resource load time
  • HTTP resource transfer size
  • User sessions count
  • Users count

We have also improved the interface for creating alerts so you can see a preview of the alert.

Learn more about creating Experience alerts.