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Product updates

Tighter metrics & logs integration

November 12, 2017
Tighter metrics and logs integration sematext

Sematext has been offering monitoring and log management for a while now, but in the most recent release we’ve further unified it, making it really simple for people to go through the well-established DevOps path: Alert Notification ⇒ Metrics Charts ⇒ Log Inspection for details

Moreover, we’ve made it dead-simple to see metrics and logs in the single view and visually correlate between the two.  End result? Much faster troubleshooting ⇒ much more efficient root cause analysis ⇒ much shorter MTTR ⇒ happier DevOps & happier users!

For more details about this and the benefits this functionality enables for your team check out our blog post or read more about monitoring and logging with Sematext Cloud.