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Product updates

New Kubernetes controller manager reports

November 7, 2023

Kubernetes Controller Manager reports (kube-controller) is now available, a new powerful addition to your Kubernetes Monitoring toolbox. The kube-controller is one of the main control plane components in Kubernetes. It orchestrates several other controllers, such as the node controller, the replication controller, etc. Thus, monitoring kube-controller and getting timely alerts on any issues with it is imperative for running healthy Kubernetes clusters. The new reports provide critical insights into the performance and health of kube-controller, making it easier for you to spot problems and act in time to keep everything running smoothly.

Now you have the ability to get detailed information about the health status of your nodes by zone, including registered nodes – the worker nodes that have been successfully added to the control plane.

Additionally, you can get much more information about the Kube Controller work queue, including:

  • the number of tasks currently waiting to be processed by the controllers
  • the task retries due to previous failures or errors
  • the time it takes for a controller to retrieve an object and the processing time for tasks in the work queue

All these are important metrics for understanding the performance and efficiency of controllers in a Kubernetes cluster.

For more information, please refer to Kubernetes Monitoring Integration and don’t forget to update to the latest version of Sematext Agent – we just released version 3.2.0.